January 24, 2011

Vitalistic Parenting: A “Super Mom” Heals Her Three Children of Autism – Interview by Innate Motherhood



Innate Motherhood

Super Mom Heals Her Three Children of Autism

 Innate Motherhood:    “After being disappointed with the mainstream approach to healthcare, more and more people nowadays are learning and turning to natural options to deal with their health challenges.  What was the first “light bulb moment”, so to speak, into the natural philosophy that led you to recovering your children from Autism?”

Wyndie: “Hmm, my lightbulb moment is pretty amazing actually.  It was right after the doc ever so casually applied the autism label to my oldest.  I remember just sitting there in a daze while he finished talking.  When he left the room and I was gathering my belongings to leave, his nutritional coach looked me in the eye and quietly said “It doesn’t have to be permanent; it can be reversed.”

WHAT????  That was the moment I realized mainstream was not the only option.

 Innate Motherhood:    “We are starting to see parents question the safety and effectiveness of so many mainstream interventions, and have a growing interest and want for more natural information, not only for themselves but for their children.   With so many types of health challenges that children with Autism face, we understand that parents like you are trying to give their children optimal recovery by utilizing multiple approaches to regain nuerological, brain, immune function, and overall body function. Could you summarize the different types of natural help you have done for your children and how each has been vital in your childrens’ recoveries.

Wyndie: Well this could get wordy!  (Lol)

We started almost immediately with the multi-faceted testing available through Great Plains Laboratory (www.gpl4u.com).  This was so important because with this, we saw mitochondrial dysfunction in one child, we saw high blood ammonia, we saw parasites, yeast, pathogenic bacteria, we could basically get a snap shot of many of their body systems that were in great distress.  These tests showed me things we would never have seen with traditional testing.  Regular docs don’t even know what some of this stuff is but it was vital to have this information so we could treat them effectively.

 We loaded everyone up on multiple supplements (www.nbnus.com) to make up for deficiencies that were too drastic to overcome with food.  It’s different for these damaged kids… their body burden is sooo heavy with toxins that they cannot get real nutrition from their foods.  Most of them won’t even eat real food.  When we first started recovery, two of my kids were living off of chicken nuggets, pop tarts and oreos.  It’s completely impossible to build up a body’s immune system on that diet!!  These supplements were vital and the testing showed me exactly what supplements could target what problem.  These two things are so important to start with.

 Having a health coach who was fluent in autism was a life-saver for me.  She gave me books to read and guided without being intrusive.  She was there for me at every turn and answered questions that were probably incredibly juvenile, yet she never made me feel like I was inferior.  She became my partner in health who shared the same goal I had… getting my kids back!

Then we worked hard on diet.  I am a military wife so the military approach in this house works just fine.  I know many parents are too guilt-ridden to force their children to eat well.  A friend told me that if she had waited for her child to cooperate in his recovery, he would not be recovered.  We felt the same way, we didn’t give the kids choices in their foods.  I now saw food in a completely different light… it was killing my children’s brains.  We went through our pantry and locked up everything that had gluten or sugar in it.  Seriously, we have a locked portable pantry b/c my husband, being a grownup, eats what he wants and while I will not try to control his intake of gluten or sugar, I insisted that these items not be where the kids could get to them.  Kids going through withdrawal will do crazy things to get their drug fix (gluten/sugar) and I wanted to be able to control their food intake 100%.  Diet is absolutely crucial in recovery. 

 We hunted around through the various autism diets before we found one that I could fit pieces into our lives without making me crazy.  As we learned how to eat the Body Ecology Diet (www.bodyecology.com) way, my kids made huge improvements!  This diet controls yeast much better than anti-fungals and yeast protocols do.  Food is sooo very important.  There are no free bites of food.  If you put something in your mouth, it will either hurt or harm you.  Up to this point I had only given the kids harming foods (b/c I didn’t know better) but when I learned how deficient their bodies were in basic nutrients, we drastically changed their diets.  I will freely admit that my son went on a food strike b/c he could not have his gluteny chicken nuggets.  I bribed him to eat a bite of veggies with promise of a bite of nugget.  It took him three days to agree.  During that time, I would offer him food, explaining if he would take just ONE bite, he would get his nugget.  On day three, he agreed to gag down a bite (with much drama).  Once we established that pattern, he would have to eat more and more veggies to get a bite of nugget.  Then I switched to gluten-free nuggets.  This took some time but he and my daughter both made great progress.  My son actually didn’t have asthma any more once he was gluten-free.  That was a biggie b/c up to that point, he had to take 5 meds daily to be able to breathe!!!  Everyone’s eczema went away and we started getting eye contact. 

 We also chose to use chiropractic therapy.  Since I was still very new to this alternative way of thinking, I needed a lot of help.  My regular doctors abandoned up and refused to help.  So a chiropractor was the easiest person to turn to.  Our chiro knew everything about how the body worked and how to keep the CFS in line, how important it was to detoxification.  We went 2 x a week for about 2 years.  This was especially critical while we were chelating. 

 Next up, we did chelation.  We had spent the first year loading up the kids with minerals and taking care of deficiencies as best we could.  But those metals had to be moved out of their bodies.  I spent months researching methods.  I had already been told that I could not count on the military docs to help in any way so I sought out an integrated doctor.  These doctors are useful b/c they had an MD and can write scripts and oversee things as necessary but they are versed in alternative medicine so when I proposed chelation, he didn’t squawk, he just agreed to help with testing and checkups.  During chelation it is supremely important that minerals intake be kept optimal.  Chelation does remove metals but it also removes minerals.  We gave copious amount of minerals daily and our doc ran blood tests every 3 months to make sure we were still on track in that area. 

 I chose an oral method of chelation.  Obviously I could not do IV since the ped would not help and oral is easier anyway.  There is a wide range of information about forms of chelation and we chose to go with the safest method.  In fact the way we did ours was less harmful than the way the FDA recommends for lead poisoning.  Andy Cutler (www.noamalgam.com) has detailed out a practical way to use oral chelation on children and he gave us much help during the preparation phase.  We started at 3 mg of DMSA every 4 hours around the clock for 3 days.  This way, when the DMSA grabs the metals, it gets reinforcement to carry it all the way out.  When a person gets a bolus dose of DMSA and no follow up, it only moves the metal but doesn’t remove it from the body.  With continual dosage, the DMSA is given enough time to escort whatever it grabbed and leave the body.  We saw improvements almost immediately and within 3 rounds of chelation, my son became typical.  It was amazing to see!  He could function out in public.  My older daughter gained speech and cognitive reasoning.  My younger daughter absolutely reeked of lead during chelation.  For her, chelation resolved the posturing problem she had lived with all her life.  Her wrists and ankles had always turned in, and with chelation they straightened out.  She also started absorbing food and stopped looking like a starvation victim.

 We were able to finally get to Occupation Therapy (OT).  When a child is so ill, it’s almost cruel to have them do therapy.  As another good friend said, it’s like asking a child to run a mile with a broken leg.  But since we had cleaned up their brains a bit, we felt it was good to help them catch up on all the things they had missed.  My son could not even rotate his trunk (at the age of 7), had no balance and still had sensory defensiveness/seeking.  My older daughter had missed SO many milestones, she just needed basic skills but she also had major sensory issues so OT helped them with all of these issues.  It was important that they be able to catch up with all the things they had been too sick to do.  My poor son told me later that while he had autism, he always felt like his body was floating off in space and he couldn’t be grounded.  That explained so many of his odd behaviors!  I cannot imagine living well if I felt like I was not grounded to the Earth.   My younger daughter did not need OT b/c we had started her recovery so young and she had not missed more milestones than I could help her get back at home.

 We also chose to use neurofeedback.  This really helped with anxiety and focus.  My son was always very VERY anxious and this completely removed that anxiety.  For my older daughter it helped with language and attention.  We did this therapy for about 3 years, taking a break in the middle.

 Whew!  That’s a lot of stuff!  lol

Innate Motherhood:   “As chiropractic patients and wives of chiropractors, Erica and I strongly advocate for and recommend chiropractic care for family wellness.  We provide much information on our website that show the benefits, success, and need for pregnant mothers, infants, children, and anyone suffering from health challenges.  There are so many misconceptions about chiropractic, but what we found is a wonderful success story can transend and debunk these claims, and inspire those seeking great help to be open to it. Can you tell us your personal chiropractic success story and how you came across it for your children and yourself?” 

Wyndie: Well as I studied about recovery, I had heard from many others that chiropractic care was important, but like all things money is a factor.  We put it off for a bit while trying to figure out what things took precedence for our bank account.  The more I learned, the more I realized that it was more than important, it was vital b/c the kids were SO toxic and that detoxification process would not be easy, but it could be made worse if their CNS was not in line.  I could clearly see in my mind, a kink in the detox process if I did not allow chiropractic.  So with this on my mind, I went to the health food store and low and behold, there was a chiropractor there that day!!  He was so friendly and even though my son was very afraid of him (remember anxiety and selective mutism were major factors for him), he had kid-friendly toys there.  He was so gentle with the kids and respected my sons fear, not getting in his space and tolerating the mess my daughter was making of his stuff.  J  We talked and I just blurted out that I wanted to chelate and what did he think of that.  Interestingly, his wife works with kids with autism in the school system so he was not new to the subject and he explained in English why it would benefit them to have chiro care and that he WANTED to help.  Now remember I talked about my pocketbook?  Recovering children is excessively expensive.  Just one child can bankrupt you… we have three.  So the first visit in his office, we discussed finances.  He lowered his price to barely anything so we could afford him.  That won me over right there because he was choosing their health over his bank account.  I have found this to be the case across the board with chiropractors.  We have had more than one chiropractor through the years but always the important thing to them is to align the body and restore the software that God put in our bodies and we had messed up. 

We continue to see a chiropractor two times a week.  For some time we were down to every other week, then once a month, but upon getting a moving x-ray, we saw some really intense spinal issue that needed more frequent care. I will never be without a chiropractor again.  Although autism is gone, our goal is not to just survive but to thrive.  I believe you cannot thrive in this toxic world without having a good diet, clean water and a straight spine.           

 For more information and to follow Wyndie:  www.autismrecovered.blogspot.com


 Find a Hope for Autism Doctor in your area.

To read full feature:

For more information on vitalistic parenting and decisions in healthcare…

Vitalistic Healthcare for Natural Parenting — Innate Motherhoodwww.InnateMotherhood.com

January 11, 2011

A new logo for a New Year-Happy 2011

Happy New Year to all of our supporters and friends! 

Innate Motherhood for Natural, Vitalistic Heathcare Information


Watch for our Innate Motherhood exclusive interview with a “Super Mom” who recovered her three children from Autism…coming soon.




December 11, 2009

Internetmom.org: What it is and is not.

After a recent confrontation with a family member over the issue of ‘to vaccinate or not to vaccinate’ against H1N1, I realized that there may be a need to more clearly state what internetmom.org and is and is not.
Internetmom.org is a natural resource site loaded with articles, videos, blogs, research, and peer reviewed articles about vaccines, chiropractic, birthing & pregnancy, family wellness, motherhood, health & beauty, and breastfeeding. Our information is one sided. The information we provide is strictly within the vitalistic model, based on the premise that the body has an inborn ability to heal itself and keep itself healthy as long as there are no interferences. Therefore, in addition to vitalistic, natural information and resources, we provide an abundance of links to the little-known concerns, dangers, and effects of the mechanistic approach from doctors themselves, leading health and wellness experts, researchers, and independent organizations and groups. Most of us are already bombarded and privy to mainstream medical approach to sickness care or healthcare, that’s why internetmom.org is unique, and one of a kind in terms of content. However, if you are looking for mechanistic medical information there are hundreds of sites out there for you to pull information from, or ask your doctor for that type of information if it suit your needs and concerns.
What internetmom.org is not is what The Lancet refers to as a group of people who are ‘relatively wealthy, relatively well educated, middle class anti-vaccine lobbyist that have not done any research’. Yes, Kelly and I are well educated, we fall into the middle class, we live comfortably (not really seeing the downside to being in this “group”) and our children are not vaccinated, however this stereotype also states that we have done NO research and are lobbyists for the anti vaccine movement. In actuality, we are two concerned moms that have second full time jobs researching all of the issues that we provide information on, especially vaccines.
I could sit here and provide you with our “resume;” a list of all the books we have read (for & against the issues at hand), seminars we have attended with leaders of vaccine research, nationally and internationally recognized practitioners, and activists on every topic. But what this really comes down to is that our site is meant to be used as a jumping off point for our readers to use to begin to educate themselves on every aspect of their families health and wellness. Our site does not contain all of the information or all of the answers; it is just a resource site to assist parents on their research mission and to be informed consumers on these topics of concern. We are also not suggesting that we are the experts on these topics, actually our views never come into play on internetmom.org, instead we are providing you with our resume to show that we have some background when it comes to finding information.
An article in the Lancet called ‘Vaccine Safety: Informing the Misinformed’ stated that “concerned parents today are getting degrees from the ‘University of Google’ and that this type of education excludes sources of evidence based information”. Our website name came to us at a vaccine research and safety symposium where it was highlighted how countless mothers are being scrutinized for asking questions, reading, researching, and then questioning  the doctors that provide for them. What grabs me about this assumption is that there are concerned parents out there that don’t want to be sheep and follow the herd; they want to take control of their family’s health.  The ‘University of Google’ is used to find the resources parents need in order to further investigate topics they are concerned with.
Internetmom.org is here to provide the resources to those that can not make a full time job out of it and we promise to deliver everything from blog posts written by other concerned parents to evidence based scientific research published in peer reviewed journals from the leading experts, researchers, and professionals. And I would like to extend a welcome to anyone that does not agree with our views, please check out our site and submit your opinions to us. We welcome any and all dialogue, as both of us have gradually made the journey over the years into this vitalistic approach to our family’s health and wellness.

Innate Motherhood


November 26, 2009

10 tips for Natural Mothers

10 Powerful Tips for Natural Mothers
by Kelly Warnos

Now more than ever before, mothers are concerned with natural health and wellness, with an ever increasing array of childhood illnesses, behaviors, and health challenges. Mothers are doing their research, not just asking for expert opinions from their doctors or pediatricians, a well-intentioned mother-in-law, or a neighbor; mothers are taking control of their own health destiny, and the health destiny of their children. In recent years, mothers have lost their trust because of the mainstream misuse of marketing, advertisements and pharmaceutical companies out for profit and success, not necessarily the health and well-being of their children, themselves, or their families. Mothers are resonating more and more with the natural approaches to health and wellness, and for good reason, the precious health of their children. Here are the top tips from Natural, Internet Moms, like your self, who are doing their research on best practices and philosophy in motherhood.

1. Trust yourself first. Do NOT trust common, mainstream hear-say! It’s easy to spot: It usually starts with, “They say…” You and only you are responsible for yourself and your child/children. Trusting yourself and the research you do is absolutely crucial. Many times, we have well-intentioned, loving and caring friends,family, neighbors, and co-workers who are not privy to the resources, articles, research like you may be, and sometimes they may base their advice on what they have heard, their fears, propaganda, or they are reflecting the products of great marketing on behalf of profit seekers.

2. Consider the source. Where does the information come from?

3. Reveal the agenda of the source by reading between the lines.

4. Recognize target audience. (If it clearly targets a group, question it.)

5. Analyze the purpose and read between the lines.

6. Research the other side, even if you feel you are sure about one side or the other. What you may find will surprise you and further help you in your decision.

7. Seek out the “little guy” speaking out about whatever you are researching. (Generally, these sources don’t have the revenue to mass market or the time to devout to getting the message out; they work like you and me.)

8. Don’t talk to strangers—Don’t let the hear-say of strangers help make your decisions. The definition of a stranger is someone you do not know (for sure) has your best interest at heart. Do not assume that just because someone has power, a title, an education, or a business that they are advising what’s best. We see now that most people thought the Earth was flat –for centuries! Or doctors told mothers for years that there is really no difference between mother’s milk and powdered formula, and in fact was better! We heard for years that cigarettes had no harmful effects until someone from the inside spoke up. And, there are countless other examples.

9. Beware of Television and Media: Everyone is a stranger on television with an agenda, including t.v. shows, sitcoms, news media, actors, actresses, marketers, commercials etc.

10. Be Natural. “Nature knows best” and “let nature takes its course” can be translated into all languages for very good reason. From a wellness perspective: Nature DOES know best, and if you let nature takes its course, it always does the greatest good for you. The natural, the ways and laws of nature does not need “research” to support it because it natural. Also, when you see “natural ingredients” on a product that does not necessarily mean it is natural – Do your research!

Doing your own research takes time and energy, however, in the long run, it may save time because once you do the research you will become an expert in spotting many so-called scientific claims, marketing strategies, purpose, target audience, and profit seeking (or non-profit seeking groups) that have certain agendas.

One of the fastest growing natural research sites for parents, especially mothers, is Innate Motherhood or InternetMom.org. InternetMom.org is a comprehensive resource guide that provides research, articles, links and sources for natural, vitalistic information related to pregnancy, birthing, breastfeeding, beauty, body, parenting, and family wellness.

August 3, 2009

Welcome to Internet Mom

Welcome to InternetMom.org’s Blog

 Please Visit:  Innate Motherhood for great information.


InternetMom.org  is a natural comprehensive directory for mothers,  pregnancy, birthing, best practices in parenting, and family wellness in the vitalistic healthcare model.

August 3, 2009

Vital Feature

What is Vitalistic Healthcare?

Read our Vital Feature by Dr. Jeanne Ohm and respond to our blog.

Vitalism:  A Wellness-Based Healthcare Approach
by Dr. Jeanne Ohm

Dr. Ohm is an International lecturer on the topic “Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy and Infancy” to practicing Chiropractors and affiliated Care Providers, Executive Coordinator of the ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association), author, Founder of Makin’ Miracles, Editor of Pathways to Family Wellness Magazine, and a mother of six children.

For full article, please visit…www.internetmom.org